How Sober Living Works In St Paul Minnesota

Dec 20, 2024 | Men's Sober Living, Sober Housing | 0 comments

How Sober Living Works In St Paul MinnesotaRecovering from addiction is a long and difficult process, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t resources to help along the way. Many people think addiction can be solved simply by going to a treatment facility and completing the program. While recovery is possible, it often takes much more than just a treatment program. For that reason, sober living homes are an important next step once a person has completed their initial treatment. The Anthony House, with four homes in the St Paul area, is dedicated to giving clients every opportunity to stay sober. This includes giving them the tools and information they need to make the best choices about their recovery. Join us, and learn first hand how sober living works in st paul minnesota

Sober Living Explained

A sober living house is a living facility designed for people in recovery from addiction who need a place to stay while they continue the journey of sobriety. Sober living can mean different things for different people, but the core principle is giving former addicts a safe and stable place to live while they focus on their continued recovery. Often returning to their previous lifestyle is too difficult and stressful to be beneficial to the person in recovery, and sober living offers a step in-between treatment and going back to their life. Sober living can mean the difference between continued sobriety and relapsing and go back to abusing drugs or alcohol. In many cases, sober living greatly increases the odds of long-term recovery and sobriety.

Continued Recovery Is The Role Of A Sober Living Home In St Paul

How Sober Living Works In St Paul Minnesota isn’t simply a place to stay, though, it offers many other benefits that the person in recovery can take advantage of to rebuild their life. For instance, many sober living homes hold the people living there accountable for their actions, including staying sober. This helps to maintain sobriety and helps those in recovery learn how to live life again without relapsing.

There are also resources like mentoring and peer support groups that continue what the treatment program started and help people in recovery continue to work through the issues that led to the addiction in the first place. Other resources like continuing education programs and job placement programs help further the rebuilding process. Giving those in recovery access to things that addiction may have otherwise taken away from them. This puts those battling addiction in a stronger position to return to their own life.

Sober living Homes In St Paul Area Of Minnesota

Ready to take a tour of our Four sober homes? Let us provide you a tour at the following locations: Anthony House – Located in Maplewood. Jake’s Place and Michael’s Place – located in St Paul. And our new facility in White Bear Lake. The environment that you enter back into after completing treatment or meetings is critical. Recently finished treatment and looking for a sober living environment in Minnesota for men? The Anthony House is for you. Offering four sober homes where you live in a safe space while being able to tap into our many resources. To learn more about The Anthony House, give us a call today at (651) 334-2395.


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Housing Director: Dan Maher

Phone: 651-334-2395

2534 Hillwood Drive, Maplewood, MN 55119

203 Robie Street E, St. Paul, MN 55107

1902 Park Ridge Court,  St. Paul MN 55119

2592 Blue Bill Circle, White Bear Lake, MN 55110

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