What To Expect From Men’s Sober Living Homes

Jul 10, 2024 | MASH, Men's Sober Living, Michael’s Place (St. Paul) | 0 comments

What To Expect From Men’s Sober Living HomesIf you recently completed a residential drug and alcohol rehab program and are looking to maintain lifelong sobriety, it’s important to consider the next phase of your recovery. Enrolling into a men’s sober living home might be the best next step for you. A men’s sober living program can provide many benefits for men in recovery.

The amount of time an individual spends in a men’s sober living home is completely based on the individual needs of each person and how quickly he adjusts to sober life on his own. During this time, each resident will spend time getting educated on relapse prevention techniques and healthy coping skills, while also learning how to be responsible for his actions daily.

Establishing Strong Connections With Other Males In Recovery

Building relationships with other men in recovery is the foundation of building confidence which can be extremely instrumental in early recovery. Furthermore, peer support and community among males in recovery promotes not only healing but personal growth and accountability while maintaining sobriety.

Redefine Your Purpose In Life

Men’s sober living homes have live-in house managers that are available to help clients navigate through the struggles of early sobriety. This connection provides valuable insight and advice based on their own personal experiences in recovery. The process of helping other alcoholics and addicts creates a unique and undeniable sense of purpose. Men in recovery also can participate in 12-step fellowship meetings and recovery programs designed to help men regain purpose and meaning in life.

Creating Accountability Within A Male Recovery Support System

Accountability is key to maintaining long-term sobriety, no matter how determined an individual is. Sober living programs for men are designed to help each individual create a recovery circle full of men who are supportive of his specific recovery goals. Each resident will work with a sponsor, peers in recovery, family members, and friends to achieve lifelong sobriety.

Get Connected With A men’s Sober Living Home In St Paul Today

Ready to take a tour of our four sober homes? We are eager to take you on a guided tour at the following locations: Anthony House – Located in Maplewood, Jake’s Place and Michael’s Place – located in St. Paul. The environment that you enter back into after completing treatment or meetings is critical. If you have recently finished treatment and are looking for a sober living environment in Minnesota for men, The Anthony House is for you. Choose from one of our four sober homes where you’ll be able to live in a safe space while being able to tap into our many resources. To learn more about The Anthony House, give us a call today at (651) 334-2395.


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Housing Director: Dan Maher

Phone: 651-334-2395

2534 Hillwood Drive, Maplewood, MN 55119

203 Robie Street E, St. Paul, MN 55107

1902 Park Ridge Court,  St. Paul MN 55119

2592 Blue Bill Circle, White Bear Lake, MN 55110

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